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Stacey was born in Aroostook County. I graduated from Caribou High School and joined the Air Force. After returning home I met my future wife Christine, she graduated from Washburn District High School and received her Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from the University of Maine at Presque Isle and became a teacher in the school she graduated from. Together we have raised to great boys, Taylor who currently works at Katahdin Trust and Aaron who is getting ready to go off to college himself. I have worked in several places in the central Aroostook area most notably a local radio station where I was a salesman.
I fell in love with sales and it felt natural to migrate to homes. I enjoy the four seasons the “County” has to offer. I am an outdoor person by nature camping, hiking, fishing and hunting are what I really enjoy but I get the most enjoyment spending time with my family. Having grown up in the “County” has allowed me to see what it means about hard work and putting people first. That is one reason I chose to return, this place feels like, is and always will be home. I am happy to have raised my family here and look forward to them living their lives here in the “County”. I like helping people to find their home in the “County” so that they too may enjoy all that the “County” has to offer.
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